Building windows

Labor & Employment

Intellectual Property, Labor & Employment, Real Estate, Taxation and Trusts & Estates Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP announces four new partners

December 18, 2013 (Los Angeles, CA)—Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP (JMBM) is pleased to announce the promotion of three associates and one of counsel to partner: Barbara A. Arnold in the Labor & Employment Department, Jessica Bromall Sparkman in the Intellectual Property Department, Jill R. Skinner in the Taxation and Trusts & Estates Department, […]

Intellectual Property, Labor & Employment, Litigation, Patent Prosecution and Transaction Group and Securities JMBM Named “Go-To” Law Firm by Fortune 500® Counsel

Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP (JMBM) has been recognized as a 2014 Go-To Law Firm® for the top 500 companies in the United States, as determined by American Lawyer Media’s (ALM) annual survey of in-house counsel at Fortune 500® companies. JMBM was recognized by its Fortune 500® clients in the following seven key litigation […]

Health Care and Labor & Employment Daughters of Charity Health System and Union Members Reach Agreement

Daughters of Charity Health System and Union Members Reach Agreement Collective Bargaining Agreement Protects Both DCHS and SEIU-UHW LOS ANGELES—May 1, 2012. The Daughters of Charity Health System (DCHS) and Service Employees International Union–United Healthcare Workers (SEIU-UHW) today reached agreement on a new three-year contract covering nearly 2,600 employees in six DCHS hospitals in California: […]